Weathering the current storm at home? We feel ya. So before you sit back down on your sofa to binge whatever Netflix is chucking at you, read what we prepared for you. Yes it starts with some sort of exercise, but scroll down for some fancy bevvy recipe.
You will eventually get back to the slopes and we bet you'd rather not end up on the jerry of the day insta page on day 1. We asked Claire, snowboard instructor and owner at Corps Fitness to get us some tips:
"Everyone remembers to stretch out their legs (quads and hamstrings) when training for snowboarding and even pre and post ride (cause we all remember to stretch lol) , but what about the smaller muscles that probably play more of an important role in your riding ?
Piriformis Stretch
The piriformis stretch works on stretching the lateral rotators of the hip. Anyone who has ever had trouble with pressure on their sciatic nerve will know this stretch. Overly tight piriformis muscles can press against the nerve and cause all sorts of pain in the lower leg and back. These muscles are one of the muscles used the most when ripping it both on snow and initiating spins.
Why is the Piriformis important for snowboarding? The piriformis muscle rotates the femur (thigh) during the hip extension (This movement is lengthening your hip extensors), and abducts the femur during flexion of the hip (They allow you to move your leg or knee up towards your torso, as well as to bend your torso forward at the hip)
- Lie on your back and clasp your hands behind your head
- Rest your right foot on your bent left knee
- Slowly lift your left leg up to start the stretch, stop and hold for 20-50 seconds when your feel the muscle tighten
- Lower your left leg to the floor and repeat for 10 reps
- Switch legs and repeat
Hip Flexor Stretch
Your hip flexors are a group of muscles near the top of your thighs that are key players in moving your lower body. They let you to walk, kick, bend, and swivel your hips. But if your muscles are too tight or if you make a sudden movement, your hip flexors can stretch or tear.
Snowboarding requires hip flexor and glute strength and endurance as well as knowing how to activate different muscles in your legs
- Form a kneeling position with the right foot forward and a straight spine
- Maintaining posture and shift the entire body slightly forward
- Hold the stretch for 10 seconds and then repeat on the other side
Gluteus Stretch
Glutes are the strongest and longest muscle group in your body, commonly referred to as hips or the butt.
Strong glutes are important for proper pelvic alignment, propulsion, and even single limb stance support. Strong glutes also help to support the lower back, and prevent knee injuries during exercises.
- Sit upright with legs out in front
- With one leg straight cross the other leg over at the knee
- Take your opposite elbow and to bent leg and twist your body in the same direction
- Keep your butt on the ground, use your back hand for balance and look behind you
- Hold for 20-30 seconds and repeat on the other leg"
Alright, alright, alright. Enough movement. Let's reward ourselves. Although many of us are stuck at home, it's time to make it fancy and pretend we are at some swell joint drinking cocktail. For that we called on Myles The Mountain Mixologist, who when is not going upside down (in our Shredduh Hoodie) runs a cocktail company, to give us a solid recipe and some tips.
Pic: BlueBird Photography
PIC and HEADER The Wardette Studio Commercial